Larry Butel

Bill Conley

Bill Conley has served the cooperative as a second-generation trustee since 2014 and has been a member since 1980. He lives in the rural Delia area with his wife, Tricia; they have three children and one grandchild.

Education and Experience

What is your community or board experience?
I serve on the Jackson County Conservation Board and Rossville United Methodist church.

Candidate Q & A

Explain the Cooperative Difference.
Being a member of a cooperative means you are more than just an account number. You are represented and you have a voice. 

What are three critical issues that you believe the cooperative should focus on in the next few years? 

  • Cost of Service Study 
  • Maintaining an excellent workforce

What interests you most about serving on the board of trustees?
As a farmer and stockman, I believe it is important to stay involved to advocate for members.

What knowledge and expertise would you bring to FreeState's board and members?
I have experience leading the cooperative and would appreciate the opportunity to continue in that role. 

As a trustee, how would you promote the cooperative in your community?
As a trustee, I have embraced FreeState's challenges to keep costs low, and I am excited about the future of our cooperative to provide the most reliable service for our members.

What makes you the ideal trustee?
As a trustee, I aim to promote reliable, safe, and economical service to all by striving to implement new and cutting-edge technology and continued education to the cooperative member-owners. I am proud to support our youth programs and our rural communities through the Operation Round-Up program.